In the same vein as "There Will Be Blood" with a smattering of Terrence Malick, this second (!) film from Australian director Andrew Dominik was deeply haunting (I'm thinking that I've used that adjective before but I don't really care). Casey Affleck is so very disturbing and awkward that it is at times uncomfortable to be in the same room as him. The typical (12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Se7en) Brad Pitt that, when he is acting well, comes off as entertainingly unsettled is a far more subtle character here. He is a Jesse James that is hounded by mistrust and appears so disconnected from every human being in his life. A soundtrack from Nick Cave creates tension and beauty which, I believe, culminates on the day of the assassination. A beautiful film that deserves a place alongside Unforgiven and The Proposition.
Good review. Are you going to review No Country?
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